Deliberative Rhetoric

Would you consider your Children “Merchandise”?

Character education

           I am someone’s child, I AM  HUMAN!!!

This week’s reading was on “The Ethic of Expediency: Classical Rhetoric, Technology, and the Holocaust” by Steven B. Katz. In this reading Katz takes on ethics and expediency. Ethics means moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior and expediency the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral’ convenience. Just made it clear in very detail how to make the expediency less dramatic and how technology can be more helpful for their jobs as Nazi’s. So it made me wonder,  as an educator do we not experience Expediency during our lives. We as teachers’ stand between a rock and a hard place. We are given a policy by the Public Schools that we follow from the moment we start as educators to the moment we retire. The same way “Just” had explained what he had to do as a Nazi. We as teachers deal with our students facing tremendously abuse, starvation, no help, no support  at home, to where school is their safe environment. As for the women and children from the Holocaust, they experienced abuse and starvation in their environment they had and lived by. So should I see my students as merchandise or as a human being? Or, is technology more important to our jobs by making it easier than giving our students the education they deserve? This video contains a debate, and you will see what teachers has to say. As well, you will see two people one that agrees and the other who disagree.

Is it really teachers, our students, or is it the memo (policy) we as educators have to follow?

Now as Educators we follow memo’s through out education called Public Schools Policy. But, are we not called merchandise when it comes to us as teachers and students. If we do not follow the memo that was given to we too would be thrown into a van. This memo was made by man kind and it affects not only teachers but our students as well, that are someone’s child and grand child. Teacher’s are here to help educate students on the things they need to know, but its hard when you do something to help your students but it cost you your life or your job.

Are we here to help our students succeed, or is it costing us our lives as Teachers and as Parents.

Who would want to be called “merchandise” and know the last day you will see will be inside a gas chemical van and the last light’s you will ever see would stay on during operations.Once the operations is completed you as a merchandise are lying where they last stand. The repair’s Just requested were expected on the next ten vehicles. They had to be equipped with all innovations and changes.

In the article We don’t need more STEM majors. We need more STEM majors with liberal arts training written by Loretta Jackson-Hayea professor of chemistry at Rhodes College in Memphis. What is STEM? STEM is known for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education. This article from Hayes and the reading written by Katz have a lot of similarity. When Dr. Jackson mention “We don’t need more STEM majors” from my understanding she was mentioning STEM cells. The reason for this is because this can cause a life of a child, or taking a life of a child. However, STEM majors with liberal arts training is when is comes down to education and learning. Here is a video where a person is speaking out on the truth about our education.


The speaker in this video wanted to be heard and he spoke up to the people of the court. He spoke up for teachers and the education system. Our children are not merchandise to where to can give them a test and they should just past it. You shouldn’t bare the teachers by having them to apply the students to prepare them for at test, when they should really be educating them for their next year and their future to come. We teachers need to be heard, lets write our own memo, but speak up about it. We as teachers are here to help educate our students, not to test them out of school.

In my opinion, I am amazed how people can point out things that happens in the past when it is going on today in our society. However, does the education department have any ethics or expediency towards as teachers and students today. Why wake up every morning worrying about passing a class or if you still have your job as an educator! It is RIGHT?